Thursday, February 9, 2012

my route

For anyone planning a Thailand trip this might be handy.
Heres the route I took through southeast Asia.
I started in Bangkok, went south to chumpron by train, then to puket by bus, then drove a rented SUV through the jungles of trang, down to the border of malaysia, then up to surit thannee, and then drove back to puket. then I took a bus to surit thanee and a boat to ko phagn nagn. then train to bangkok.
bus to pnom phnem Cambodia, then car ride to siem reap (angkor wat), bus to sihanukville, then bus to pnom phnem again to fly to Laos.
flight to luang prubang, mini van to vang vieng, then minivan to vientiane.
Bus from laos to thai border then minivan to chang mai, minivan to pai, then minivan back to chang mai, and train to lop buri, then train to Bangkok.

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