Sunday, January 22, 2012

Waterfalls and whiskey village

The water was very cold, but so refreshing after a long day of riding extremely bumpy dirt roads, in a hot sweaty van with 7 other people,
an elephant snot bath,
and finnaly shots of lao-lao a homemade liquor, from a bottle with decaying lizards in it.
You bet your butt I took shots of lao-lao at the whiskey village!
Heck, if they can do I can do it.
It burned like kerosene and tasted like sour cocunut milk.
when you arrive at the village there are women at bamboo tables giving you shots of lao lao so you can sample their bottles, and decide which one to buy.
I didnt buy one.
So far Ive eaten bugs, eaten dogs, beef liver on a stick, drank from a human water trough, picked elephant boogers out of my hair, and washed my butt with a soup pot and rain water.
BUT, there is no way in hell Im gonna go back to my cozy little hut, and sip on a "magic" bottle of rotten cocunut milk filled with a grey, fleshy, rotting, lizard that I am supposed to eat when the drink is gone.

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