Friday, January 13, 2012


Headed to Laos in a few days.
Everyone who has just returned from Laos tells me it is the most peaceful, and scenic place in SE Asia.
Thailand people were extremely passive and polite, and very religous, although a bit reserved around foreigners because they have been overrun by rude tourists.
Cambodian people were much more friendly and innocent than the Thais, probably because the modern world has not reached this area yet.
They are less religious though and they drink alot while Thais do not.
The Cambodians though are in a state of poverty that makes Mexico look like LA.
So begging scamming and overpricing are pretty extreme here. People have argued desperately with me here over one dollar.
But Asia is completely different than central/south or even north America.
The everyday person here is extremely passive, very conservative and traditional.
I heard so many people tell me how dangerous it is here, how Asia is filled with child prostitution, they hated america, etc.
It is absolutely not true.
The only people here I have seen act drunken, violent, or perverse, have been the tourists.
Asians are much more family oriented than westerners.
Whenever a child is in the room everybody plays with it and looks out for it.
Prostitution especially of children is an absolute travesty here.
Even though it happens perhaps more often, because their law is more primitive, and its still like the wild west here, The everyday Asian shows a level of integrity and morality that makes most cultures look like hedonists.
Being polite is extremely important here. (thank you mom and dad for teaching me manners!)
Even when arguing over money the Asians remain calm and humble to the bitter end.
Every time I hear westerners debating over prices here they get angry sounding, impatient and rude very quickly.
It's very hard for most tourists here to wait an hour for food or to patiently and politely debate a price that is good for both parties.
I hate to bash on my own culture but I have to admit I see things in a different light now.
I will definitely miss being in a culture that respects humility, instead of seeing it as a weakness.
A culture where you have to work hard just to eat, so patience and perseverance are held in high regard.
There is no credit here, no loans, no fastfood, no instant gratification at all.
There is only real life here. You work hard, you take care of family, you live wisely or you die.
It's lifechanging to experience this.
Because I come from a world where the car you drive (debt) the house you own(debt) the clothes you wear (debt),
Determine your status.
And this isn't real life.
The west has become like one giant wal mart, or las Vegas, and our greed and shallow lifestyles are catching up with us.
I definitely hope to return home a wiser man with appreciation for what truly matters in life...

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