Friday, December 30, 2011


Some of my neighbors are staying on the island for 3 months or more.
They decorate their bungalows just like their homes.
This one looks especially nice. Very cozy and homey here. Alot of longterm and returning people stay here at bird bungalows so there is more of a community feel.
I came to these bungalows by accident but it was quickly apparent that it was meant to be, because I met a good group of people here and I fit right in, most other bungalows are filled with college kids partying right now but I just happened upon the one filled with people my age that are interesting to talk to and alot of fun to run around with.
That's what I love about traveling with no plans, you never really know where you'll end up but if your heart is in the right place, your feet will be too.

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